Thursday, February 11, 2010

Fm Lift & Carry What Is The Stupidest Thing People Have Said To You?

What is the stupidest thing people have said to you? - fm lift & carry

What is the stupidest thing people have said about your disability?

The friend, "I always say:" With all the jobs in those days, you should be able to a very simple search. "&" You have to work harder, work harder, I bet you could beat this thing, if you have put some real effort. "

Why did not I think? All I had to do was an application in the deed? Join a gym and begin to "with" work all day? (I can not lift more than 8 pounds with both arms, 10, is very, very difficult for me, but have to pump some iron?)

(17 years fighting this, but as the work of a dozen that I continue to be none, because of fibromyalgia, pain, disability, fatigue, stretching exercises supplements every day, 200 + Summaryis presented)

I'm on the road, another option for now, but stay with this idiot, and all together everything I had to do was to "Try Harder?

Shame on me for the choice of poverty and homelessness, and my children of a rotten childhood, where everything I had to do was "an effort."


Steph said...

Everything that I did not speak at all.

Bocephus said...

I have Asperger's syndrome and one person had the audacity to ask me (which I do not know it) "What's your IQ?, Can fend for themselves?"

Injun said...

The other day a woman in office until an application for Medicaid and food stamps have his pain was complained!
I said: It does'm sorry to hear that she was injured after he told me how difficult it is to go for it, and things to do with all the pain that his ""! "Oh, if you knew how bad it is said,"!
I watched growing 3 times to get it on their car, go right of entry to say how difficult it is for them only from the car!
While we were talking about the girl at reception asked me to sign a paper and I went to the counter to sit back to me saying this.When type this woman, I see you have a little problem with too.She told me to walk more than he has a bad hip and needs to be replaced and if I coulD know that the pain is over!
Then he asked me what my problem and I said, who knows the pain and discomfort when walking and not in a position to do the things myself.She for fun, look at me and said, "Oh, I dont think Hunny, that is needed I am a hip replacement and I'm on SSI because of that!
I say that I was replacing a very hip and I need my other one is on his knees, put the CD in the back, nerve damage and signs of a disease that causes muscle wasting important!
And then she said too bad, but I have a real pain !!!!!!!!!!!!

Deaf Cowgirl 27 said...

Ohh man ... Can I use my numbness in all this? I am deaf (hearing deeper reality, but my left ear has completely disappeared, while my right ear had an audience share).
What happens 26 years in me and makes me crazy ...

1. "Why, like all the others?" (I am deaf and hard of hearing, no one to be like all the others are talking about? I like)

2. "Not in their group, because you are sorry for you." (What else?)

3. Are you sure you deaf? (my answer, "Can u say?")

4. In reading the lips, without my helmet and the people take some expensive cables and wondering what to "inactive" HELLO HOW .... ... You are ...?" (The Real MadridPlease note my nerves).

5. "What you will not get a job like everyone else?" (I've always ask some people is: "Why not get something for another hearing, a job?")

6. (no less) "Oh, honey, you should try harder." (Try the "try harder", the stupidity, or "talk"? I graduated from public secondary school ( "mainstreaming"), then graduated from Ohio, campus of Southern University with a degree in Techolongy asscoatie Office and is not a job now because I now Com'on audience ... .. I'm tryin ')

7. Can not hear "I'm sorry for you .. Are you sure you're okay?" (Lol, what, why, unfortunately, say not broken.)

8. "As you can live withr numbness, I think you really need someone to listen to you .. What happens if so .. so .. "(Please, when you would ask, how can I live with my blindness. I can see with glasses or Contect (I'm almost blind oygen injuries as a baby). Can it be worse?

9. (Finally!). Workers in many cases and people who "supposedly to help" to get a job. "Time is work before it a really good paying job is necessary." (Seriously, I gave up looking for a job, since (the rejection and discrimination by some researchers that) does not eveince)

I am not lazy or sorry for me. I'm like everyone else, but the problem is just that I have .. Anyone can do all disablilies. My main problem is people who say"Normal" want to understand how all these lives, our lives and how the world with our disabled face. I know it's not easy .. but I can not act as an audience, but I'm honest. Ashame he is not good.

ainger45... said...

My friend is sitting in a wheelchair and mutual understanding, said:
"Oh, would that be cool, all the good parking facilities must be maintained. This is so stupid." My friend would be able to walk like everyone else, and we are happy to arrange a parking fine, which she took to the ramp.

Quonx. said...

1. "You only have to work even harder, that's all."
2. "You do not hear enough."
3. "You are special."
4. "Smile!"
5. "God has a plan."
6. "It's a learning process."
7. "Oh, it's nothing, I (be)".
8. "Sometimes, I just did."
9. "Life is good, hun."

Forget about trying to defend myself. Forgot to tell you is that I am a human being with real emotions and intellect, only with a disability ... I share with them in an instant, especially those that are known to me for decades. I want to see how they act and feel, and do not restrict my criticism.

Wild Sage said...

1. "Really?" I thought that to grow, if you have ADHD.
2. "But you're so smart!
3. "Ritalin is a very controversial and dangerous."
4. "I think it would be better without Ritalin. All you have to do is make some changes in your diet."
5. "I do not believe that ADHD exists. It's just an excuse for bad parenting."
6. "Ok, how should I behave towards you, then reply? (On which I," You treat me treat them like all over the world! ") And then say:
7. "Then, why would we need a house, then?
8. "Stop complaining. We all have problems. It's more special than the rest of us."
9. "That's okay, there are many other people orMeetings are good. You should not feel bad. "
10. "No, I will not repeat what I just said." If you really want to say that you must pay attention the first time. "
11. "You have ADD, but he managed to leave the university?" How is this possible? "
12. "The way it feels to have ADHD? (To which I reply:" Well, I can not really say because I do not know what it means to have ADHD. "
13. "What has to do with it?
14. "I think it is misdiagnosed. It is possible that they would not have ADHD. Just try harder."

Dharma Nature said...

When I was a kid, people said "act" normal. "" I have Asperger's Syndrome and had no idea what was "normal" at this time.

For what it's worth, in the "normal" comes to mean average. The result is that changes in the normal function of the attributes of the general population, which means that there is really no such thing as normal in all.

Linda R said...

1. But do not expect ill
2. God never gives you more than you can handle
3. It is a lesson to learn
4. Only God makes suffering love
5. Have you tried the natural resources?
6. Everyone is tired
7. It's all in your head
8. You will be better if
9. You must be positive
10. Are you better?
11. You need some sun. (Lupus sun is lower)
12. Exercise
13. Try homeopathy
14. Tip: Herbs

I suffer from systemic lupus with major organ involvement.

Kathryn R said...

One of the stupidest things I've heard that he went to my daughter, I have nothing against a mother who uses crutches, and then go? and it was a boy, asking him. I thought my daughter was going through the roof when we were inside. I also had a restaurant staff ask my children what I want to eat, instead of asking me was that my brain on my crutches. My kids have been to other users stupid questions that must be addressed to me instead of getting used to it.

wais tokhy said...

I was when my friend Siad chaild allowed to fly to another use in the country

gurlygur... said...

"Why do not you (insert activity here) like everyone else can?" After learning that her "problems".

The isotope, the lines now sounded like it came from a very stupid;)

Oh, and another stupid thing I heard from the mouths of people with and without disabilities, is to think it's a great happiness, or something to enjoy, when we speak of "special privledges. The reason you get the" special privledges "because people would not see us able to live well, when people reproach us that we do not need disability checks and other things.

Favoredb... said...

I feel for you. I have suffered homelessness, and in truth, is something that no one can understand that they are in this situation ... Keep in mind was busy and not much more than 50K per year ...

Sometimes people can know that they are in my shoes before symptoms set is mounted on foot.

Anonymous said...

She asks a woman .. Your "Dick yet?

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